Estas são as respostas que recebi do John Maeda através de Amna sua assistente, uma pessoa muito amável.
Que bom poder compartilhar seus pensamentos com os leitores deste trabalho.
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: SIMPLICITY
Dear Adriana,
You will get responses by the end of today.
Take care and have a great weekend. Also – I wish you a very successful Monday 🙂
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 8:03 AM
Subject: Fw: Adriana answers: Re: SIMPLICITY
Dear Adriana,
Here are the answers.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:16 PM
Hello Amana,
The questions:
About eco-formation
A man who was born in the desert or in the ocean has a different symbolic imagery as compared to an urban man.
Question 1: How the eco-virtual-space has formed your vision of yourself as a human being?Virtual space seemingly has no limitations. When you start a program running (one that has no bugs), it will run forever. It will not complain. And it will never make mistakes. It would seem that this ecosystem is unreal and unforgiving — inhumane. The irony is that when the power goes out, all computation ceases. So it is then we realize that it truly does not matter at all.About hetero-formation
Formation is not only provided by official schools or universities or teachers. A man who sits next to you in a public space (or park, or square) may say a single word that is so important that it brings a radical transformation to our lives.
Question 2: Have you had the opportunity of experimenting this hetero-formation and, if so, do you believe it could have changed the paths of your life? I think that certain words from certain people — doesn’t have to be a professor, teacher, etc. — it could be a taxi driver or waitress — there is always something to important out there to absorb. I think that when you listen to your surrounds (Law 6 CONTEXT embodies this principle).
About self-formation
Question 3: Can you be a designer of yourself in your life?
No. But you can be a designer in life. You can be many things in life. There are very few constraints for what you can be. The biggest constraint is to make a living. If you can work hard, you can always get a job. Thus you can gain the position necessary to make a difference. Life’s goal is to make a difference.