TIDD – T 3 dia-nomos
Trabalho 3 Prof. Brissac Dialogando com Valdemiro, nômade. dia-nomos-2.pdf
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Estas são as respostas que recebi do John Maeda através de Amna sua assistente, uma pessoa muito amável. Que bom poder compartilhar seus pensamentos com os leitores deste trabalho. To: CETRANS – Adriana Caccuri Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:12 PM Subject: Re: Fw: SIMPLICITY Dear Adriana, You will get responses by the end of today. Take care and have a great weekend. Also – I wish you a very successful Monday 🙂 Amna Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 8:03 AM Subject: Fw: Adriana answers: Re: SIMPLICITY Dear Adriana, Here are the answers. Regards, Amna —– Original Message...
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